First Readings for Spring 2025
This may not be an exclusive listing of all faculty members’ first assignment and class meeting notices. If you do not see a class that you are in listed below, it may be necessary to check with the faculty member.
Dates for Spring 2025
- The form for submitting assignments will be activated on Monday, December 9, 2024.
- Assignments will begin to be posted Monday, December 9, 2024.
- The form for submitting assignments will be deactivated on Monday, February 3, 2025.
- Assignments will be removed on Monday, February 3, 2025.
CHAMPS Clinic (LAWS 741 §001)
Instructor Name(s)
Suski, Emily
Textbook Information
Deborah Epstein, et al., The Clinic Seminar (West, 2014)
The book is available for purchase at the bookstore and is also available in the library
General Assignment Information
Assignment for Orientation on January 10, 2025 and the First Class on January 14, 2025:
* Epstein et al., The Clinic Seminar, pp. 3-11 (for Introduction toClinic); 70-90 and 413-426 (for Introduction to Lawyer-Client Relationship); 749-755 (for Boundaries).
* Binder et al., pp. 4-8 (#2 A-E) (on TWEN) (for Introduction to Lawyer-Client Relationship); 80-92, 98-110, 169-170, 273-284 (for Introduction to Interviewing)
* S.C. Bar Rules of Professional ConductRules 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6-1.10
ii. Complete the student conflicts form (on TWEN). Note any updated information, and if none, note that. Email me the completed form by orientation or bring it with you to orientation.
iv. Complete the Collaboration Spectrum Sheet in the text (pp. 427-434) and review it with your partner prior to your first supervision meeting. Together develop concrete strategies for addressing any differences you discover. Bring the results of the Collaboration Spectrum Sheet and your concrete ideas for addressing differences to your first supervision meeting and be prepared to discuss them.
* Holden, Children’s SSI Disability Benefits (on TWEN)
* Clearinghouse Review, How to Make Fair Hearings More Fair (on
*Jason DeParle, The Coronavirus Generation (on TWEN)